On 1 April 2025, we will become Jesuits in Britain CIO, with charity registration numbers 1207142 (England and Wales) and SC054395 (Scotland). Read the full update here.
Thank you for choosing to support the Jesuits in Britain with a donation, your gift will make a difference to the many people we serve. Donate using the form on the right.
To donate by cheque, please make it payable to ‘Jesuits in Britain’ and post it to
Fundraising Manager
Jesuit Provincial Offices
114 Mount Street
London W1K 3AH
We accept cheques in pounds, euros and US dollars
To donate by bank transfer please contact the fundraising manager for details jgreen@jesuit.org.uk
We are registered with CAF America and as such can take advantage of their tax-exempt status. If you are a US tax payer and wish to make a tax efficient donation visit Account Information For help with donating via CAF America to Friends of Jesuits in Britain contact friendsfunds@cafamerica.org or 202-793-CAFA (2232)
If you are an individual paying tax in the UK and US, you could find that the US tax rules invalidate UK tax breaks on charitable giving and vice-versa.