Frederick Copleston (1907 - 1994) was a Jesuit priest, historian, philosopher, and former Principal of Heythrop College, who wrote an important 11-volume series of books, A History of Philosophy, which is still widely read today. The series, which was prized for its accessible language, provides extensive coverage of Western philosophy, starting from the Pre-Socratics and ending with philosophers like John Dewey, Bertrand Russell, and Jean-Paul Sartre. It remains one of the most popular publications by a British Jesuit.
Anthony Carroll, himself a former senior lecturer at Heythrop College, succinctly condenses Copleston's 11-volume work into a single, highly readable book, while expanding on contemporary and world philosophy. From the early teachings of Socrates to the medieval philosophies of Christian Europe, the Enlightenment and the radical arguments of the Existentialists, Carroll adeptly explores the common threads and themes that have united all rational enquiries into the fundamental nature of reality.
The evening begins with an introduction on 'Philosophy and Spirituality' by Professor Peter Tyler, Professor of Pastoral Theology and Spirituality at St Mary's University in Twickenham.
This is followed by a presentation by Tony Carroll on 'Copleston's History of Philosophy as Ignatian Humanism'. There will be a Q&A session after this.
Wine reception with the opportunity to purchase the book from 6.30pm, with the talks starting at 7.00pm. For more information and to sign up for this event please click here.
To find out more about events at the London Jesuit Centre please click here.
Banner photo by Karl Raymund Catabas on Unsplash
This residential course includes listening skills, discernment of spirits, a model of Ignatian spiritual conversation and accompaniment, and ways of praying. The course will help deepen and improve one-to-one pastoral ministry, using Ignatian principles based on the Spiritual Exercises which will be valu
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Read moreThis residential course includes listening skills, discernment of spirits, a model of Ignatian spiritual conversation and accompaniment, and ways of praying. The course will help deepen and improve one-to-one pastoral ministry, using Ignatian principles based on the Spiritual Exercises.
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