Ignatian Year

Cannonball Conversions - talks to mark the Ignatian Year

May 11, 2021


The Edinburgh Jesuit Centre is delighted to announce a series of three talks to mark the 500th anniversary of the 'Cannonball Moment during the Battle of Pamplona in 1521' resulting in the conversion of St Ignatius of Loyola. We begin on the 11th of May exploring 'ecological conversion' with the Associate Director of the Global Catholic Climate Movement, Christina Leaño. On the 18th May we welcome the The Jesuit Superior General's Secretary for the Service of the Faith, James Hanvey SJ to discuss what the conversion of Ignatius means for us. Our final talk takes place on the 25th of May and we are delighted to welcome the British Ambassador to the Holy See, Sally Axworthy MBE.

'Ecological Conversion'

Christina Leaño
(Associate Director of the Global Catholic Climate Movement)

Tuesday 11th May at 7.30pm on Zoom

Christina’s interest in spirituality and social justice began over 20 years ago as an undergraduate at Yale University. While fully engaged in homeless and ecological issues, she co-founded the Social Justice Network and the organisation Salt of the Earth, which held events to explore the role of spirituality in past and modern-day social justice leaders. Christina currently serves on faculty for the Genesis School for Contemplative Living. She is a regular contributor to the Catholic devotional publication Give Us This Day, and recently had a chapter published in the anthology Rooted and Rising: Voices of Courage in a Time of Climate Crisis. To watch the talk please click here.

'Cannonball Conversion'

St Ignatius of Loyola’s conversion following the Battle of Pamplona.

James Hanvey, SJ
(The Jesuit General's Secretary for the Service of the Faith)

Tuesday 18th May at 7.30pm on Zoom

James Hanvey SJ entered the Society of Jesus in 1975 and was ordained in 1983. His D.Phil (Oxon) was on the subject of constructing a contemporary metaphysics of the doctrine of the Trinity in Hegel, Barth and Rahner. After a period as Headmaster of the Jesuit St Aloysius’ College, Glasgow, he taught systematic theology at Heythrop College, University of London, where he was also Head of the Department of Christian Doctrine and Founding Director of the Heythrop Institute for Religion, Ethics and Public Life. He has also been a theological consultant to the Bishops of England and Wales and has held the Veale Chair in Ignatian Spirituality at Milltown Park, Dublin. After serving at the University of San Francisco as the Lo Schiavo Professor of Catholic Social Thought, he was appointed Master of Campion Hall in 2013 and served this role until 2018. He is currently the Jesuit General's Secretary for the Service of the Faith in Rome. To watch the talk please click here.

'Ecological Conversion - Co-operation
between the UK & the Vatican'

Ambassador Sally Axworthy MBE
(British Ambassador to the Holy See)

Tuesday 25th May at 7.00pm on Zoom

Sally Axworthy was appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Holy See in September 2016. Her previous roles include time as Joint Head of the North Africa Department, Head of the Great Lakes, East Africa & Somalia Department, and Director of Corporate Services in India. Mrs Axworthy took up her appointment in September 2016. To watch the talk please click here.


Ignatian Year

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