YAM Walk favourites have so far included the full 78 miles of London’s Capital Ring Walk and the Thames Path (ongoing.)
Every third Sunday of the month we walk a different section of the route with sections typically being 7-8 miles in length. The walks are not strenuous.
Enjoy great conversation and make new friends as we take in the presence of God in nature and in one another.
Bring a packed lunch. We'll aim to end by 4:00pm, in time for refreshments at a local pub. Some of us then go onto Farm Street Jesuit Church in Mayfair for the 7.00pm young adult Mass
Email: yam@jesuit.org.uk to register
Photo by Arek Adeoye on Unsplash
This introductory training in supervision is for experienced spiritual directors and trains them in the supervision of other directors.
Read moreThis residential course includes listening skills, discernment of spirits, a model of Ignatian spiritual conversation and accompaniment, and ways of praying. The course will help deepen and improve one-to-one pastoral ministry, using Ignatian principles based on the Spiritual Exercises.
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