A callous disregard for the vulnerable lies at the heart of the UK government

November 4, 2022

The latest revelations of mistreatment of refugees reflect a deeply embedded government policy of intentional cruelty. Dr Sophie Cartwright, Senior Policy Officer at the Jesuit Refugee Service UK, explains the issue in this hard-hitting article for The Tablet, the International Catholic News Weekly. To read the article in full click here.

The Jesuit Institute is looking for a Deputy Director

May 23, 2023

Are you passionate about Ignatian Spirituality and can help make it more widely available?

Diplomatic relations with The Holy See, a talk with the British Ambassador

May 28, 2021

We were honoured to have the British Ambassador to The Holy See come and share her stories with us.

A special online event for Refugee Week

June 7, 2021

The event will showcase the writing talent of refugee friends supported by Jesuit Refugee Service.

We must act now to limit temperature rises and reduce our carbon emissions

September 9, 2021

Please sign our petition to the Prime Minister demanding urgent action on climate change.