An online Advent Retreat from Scotland

November 25, 2021

To help you prepare for the birth of Jesus at Christmas, the Ignatian Spirituality Centre in Glasgow is providing a piece of scripture, a meditation, music and an image for each day of Advent, along with reommendations on different ways to pray.

If you enjoyed the Lent Retreat in the last few years, you might enjoy this. Or if you would like to deepen your prayer life and spend some time in reflection this Advent, this is a perfect way to do this.

To access the meditations please click here

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We are putting pressure on HSBC to meet environmental targets

May 15, 2024

Operating as part of a campaign group, we attended the AGM to put the tough questions

Announcement of new Jesuit Provincial

May 2, 2023

Fr Peter Gallagher SJ will be the next Provincial Superior of the Jesuits in Britain

The Ignatian Year - what is it and how can you get involved?

October 1, 2021

Check out our new webpage dedicated to Ignatian Year events.

Jesuit Missions launches 2024 Lent Campaign: ‘Mission to Hope’

February 14, 2024

The campaign will focus on the various overseas projects Jesuit Missions supports