Explore the latest issue of Jesuits & Friends

July 9, 2024

In this summer issue of Jesuits & Friends we look at the partnerships that make our mission possible. For example, Jesuit Missions UK introduces us to the Xavier Network, a global network of like-minded counterparts helping to bring development projects to life in India, Myanmar and East Africa, as well as other locations where the need is greatest.

Lay partners and alumni are also a vital part of the global Jesuit network, and there are articles about both in this issue. Other articles include an equine take on the life of St John Ogilvie SJ and the Jesuit connection to D-Day.

In our lead article, we ask the crucial question, from a Jesuit perspective: What should the priorities of the new UK government be? Here is a short excerpt from that article:

“Pope Francis gives us a different vision of how to build a society in which we can all flourish, calling us to welcome women, men and children who are forced to flee their homes. And he rightly notes that how we respond to refugees says a something important about who we are. Our society appears increasingly divided by a politics that scapegoats outsiders.”

If you would like to read a free online / digital copy of this latest issue, please click here.

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A reflection on diaconal ordination

May 16, 2023

A Jesuit scholastic of the British province shares his thoughts about diaconal ordination

The Ignatian Year - what is it and how can you get involved?

October 1, 2021

Check out our new webpage dedicated to Ignatian Year events.

Ukrainian solidarity

November 8, 2022

Ukrainian Catholics, with help from the Jesuits, are welcoming many more people displaced by war.

Watch the ordination to the Priesthood of Carlos Chuquihuara Aguirre SJ

July 26, 2024

This special moment was livestreamed on the day and is now available to watch on YouTube