Hear a Jesuit take on climate change

October 11, 2021

What’s climate change all about and why is it so important?

What are some of the key ideas Pope Francis discusses in Laudato Si’ that can help us better understand our relationship with the environment and our care for it? How do we act responsibly at different levels: World – Community – Family? Ultimately, how does care for the environment connect to the story of salvation? Xavier de Bénazé, a Jesuit and newly appointed deacon living in London, helps to answer some of these important questions. Listen to the full discussion here.

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

A new free resource for parishes from the School for Synodality in collaboration with the Jesuit Institute

December 6, 2024

The Pastoral Council Starter Toolkit was produced by the School for Synodality with our support

Jesuit Missions response to COP28 outcome

December 15, 2023

“Disappointment is an understatement as countries weave loopholes in the text"

Laudate Deum: A Radical Call to Care for Our Common Home

October 4, 2023

Laudate Deum’s moral call for action rediscovers the spirit of integral ecology.

Rest in Peace Fr Michael Campbell-Johnston SJ

October 18, 2023

Read the Times obituary of this motorbike-riding Jesuit priest who ran refugee camps