Jesuit priest working in earthquake-ravaged Syria appeals for support

February 19, 2024

“Syria has been forgotten. It is like Gaza without the headlines”

In an interview with The Tablet, Fr Tony O'Riordan SJ, a Jesuit priest working for the Jesuit Refugee Service in Syria, explains just how forgotten the people of Syria are following a decade of civil war and a devastating earthquake last year which killed more than 50,000 people and injured 100,000 others. JRS funding for those being helped on the ground is due to run out in May this year. To read the interview (which is free to read), please click here.

Ukrainian solidarity

November 8, 2022

Ukrainian Catholics, with help from the Jesuits, are welcoming many more people displaced by war.

St Francis Xavier Church in Liverpool will celebrate 175th anniversary with year of events

December 6, 2022

The Jesuits have had a presence in Liverpool since the 16th century and the church opened in 1848.

This advent please consider these forgotten crises

November 27, 2022

South Sudan and Ethiopia have been forgotten amid the more dominant headlines of Ukraine and Covid

Standing with Refugees: JRS UK calls for action ahead of General Election

June 20, 2024

Three election asks can help to improve the plight of refugees in the UK