JRS UK launches Advent appeal to support refugees facing homelessness

November 25, 2024

The largest Catholic refugee charity in the UK, the Jesuit Refugee Service UK (JRS UK) is launching its Advent Appeal to raise funds for vital services providing shelter, safety, and stability for refugees facing homelessness this winter. 

There has been an alarming rise in destitution and homelessness among refugees seeking sanctuary in the UK, with almost half of people served by JRS UK spending time on the streets last year.

Joyce, who sought safety in the UK but found herself homeless, explains:

“Homelessness made me lose my self-esteem and confidence. When you don’t have a place to lay your head, then you cannot think straight…for women, it can be even worse because some men take advantage…everyone needs somewhere to rest and feel safe.” 

Fr Peter Gallagher SJ, the head of the Jesuits in Britain, added:

“JRS UK has long provided a place of safety to homeless refugees through our hosting scheme and houses. Reflecting on displaced people and the Holy Family’s journey, Pope Francis reminds us: ‘So many other footsteps are hidden in the footsteps of Joseph and Mary. We see the tracks of entire families forced to set out in our own day.’ Providing shelter remains vital and a challenge we cannot ignore. I appeal to all people of goodwill to support this work, so we can continue to accompany those seeking a place to call home.”

Respite and Stability

Throughout Advent, JRS UK is raising urgently-need funds for their hosting scheme and two houses. 

Having a safe place to stay, not only meets refugees' immediate needs for warmth and shelter, but also provides people with the stability to engage with their asylum case and begin rebuilding their lives in the UK. 

Ditoma, a resident of Emilie House, JRS UK’s home for refugee women, reflected:

“Before I came to JRS UK, I was in a bad place…when you are sofa surfing, you don’t have any control over your time or any personal space…even when you’re trying to sleep, you’re worrying about when you’ll have to wake up and clear out. Now that I have a space of my own, I can control my time. I have started to feel like I can build myself up again, like there is a light in my life.”

JRS UK supports people made destitute by the asylum system, through a combination of legal advice, casework, practical support, and activities.

As part of the international JRS family, which operates in over 50 countries, JRS UK is dedicated to accompanying, serving, and advocating for the rights of refugees and other forcibly displaced people.

Anyone wishing to help refugees find a safe and warm place to stay this winter please click here.

* This quote comes from Pope Francis' Midnight Mass, Sunday 24th December 2017, which you can read here.

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