The latest issue of 'The Way' is out!

April 4, 2024

In the latest issue of 'The Way', the journal of Christian Spirituality published by the Jesuits in Britain, we pay tribute to Philip Endean SJ (1954–2023).

He was a true gentlemen, an eminent scholar, and his spirit had all the agility of an acrobat. Among his academic interests were Karl Rahner, St Ignatius Loyola, the early Society of Jesus, and Gerard Manley Hopkins, a variety which this selection of articles reflects. The humility with which he would have viewed his own legacy is perhaps best encapsulated by the concluding words of his doctoral publication: ‘Seen in themselves, our efforts are only fragments: mere attempts to clear space so that God's grace can be disclosed.’ That agility of spirit came not from his exceptional talents alone, but from the inner work of grace that was disclosed through his life and work.

In an article translated from the Spanish for the first time, Philip Endean explores the role of the cross in the graces of the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius. You can download this article for free here. We are also including a little-known article of his on the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the contemporary world. His fellow scholars have contributed articles on Karl Rahner, Jesuit History, and Ignatian Spirituality. Other contributions reflect his literary interests such as Teresa White’s exposition of a Syriac manuscript translated into English and a fascinating exploration of the significance of the imagination in developing a richer understanding of reality by Emily Abdeni-Holman. You can find our more about this latest issue by clicking here, or subscribe by clicking here.

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