Novena for the Canonization of Fr. Pedro Arrupe SJ to begin on November 5th

October 31, 2024


Feast of St Alphonsus Rodriguez SJ

Novena for the Canonization of Fr Pedro Arrupe SJ to begin on Tuesday 5th November

The life of Fr Pedro Arrupe SJ continues to inspire countless individuals through his commitment to faith and social justice.

The British Province of the Society of Jesus is inviting everyone to join in a Novena of prayer for the canonization of Fr. Pedro Arrupe SJ. This can be prayed from November 5th, the feast of All Saints and Blessed of the Society of Jesus, and conclude on November 13th, the eve of Fr. Arrupe's birthday in 1907 and the founding date of the Jesuit Refugee Service in 1980.

Fr. Simon Bishop SJ, on behalf of the British Province of the Society of Jesus, has re-drafted a novena prayer for the canonization of Fr. Pedro Arrupe SJ and created a new prayer card, which is available for download below.

In the light of this upcoming Novena, Fr Simon Bishop SJ, offers insights into the significance of Fr Arrupe's life and mission, and how we can help this cause.

The legacy of Fr Pedro Arrupe SJ 

Fr Arrupe SJ lived the most amazing life: as a medical student he witnessed and verified three miracles in Lourdes; as Novice Master in Japan, he witnessed the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, turning the Novitiate into a makeshift field hospital and then, as Superior General of the Society of Jesus, he witnessed the explosion of refugees around the world, founding the Jesuit Refugee Service in 1980. He has been declared a Servant of God and the cause for his beatification and canonization was opened on 5th February 2019, the anniversary of his death in 1991. Read a longer profile here.

In his recent visit to Singapore, Pope Francis met with the local Jesuits, as he usually does. Fr Antonio Spadaro SJ (the Undersecretary of the Dicastery for Culture and Education) who accompanied the Pope on his journey, said that Francis stressed the importance of prayer, 'facing the challenges posed by society with a spirit of prayer following the model of Fr Pedro Arrupe SJ.’ Fr Spadaro SJ remarked that 'Pope Francis spoke several times of the figure of this great Father General and has declared that he is very close to him and eager to arrive at his beatification and canonization.' (Vatican News, 11th September 2024). 

Novena Prayer

One of the ways we can help this cause so close to Pope Francis' heart is by praying for a miracle through the intercession of Fr Arrupe SJ. Perhaps you have a particular person or a particular need for which you would like Fr Arrupe SJ to pray. Fr Arrupe SJ thought, for example, that the Jesuit Refugee Service would be a small and short-term project and, now, the number of wars and the needs of refugees are more than ever. 

The beautiful prayer on the prayer card is based on the Principle and Foundation in St Ignatius' Spiritual Exercises. We can ask Fr Arrupe SJ to pray with us for a particular intention but 'above all' we ask for 'the grace of surrendering ourselves fully into God's hands' so that placed with Jesus, 'we may work for the establishment of justice and peace in our world.'

Prayer Intentions

At a time when the threat of nuclear warfare is being voiced again, Fr Arrupe SJ had first-hand experience of the effects of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima. We ask Fr Arrupe SJ to pray for an end to all war.

Fr Pedro Arrupe SJ tending to an injured victim of the Hiroshima bomb


At a time when the number of refugees is more than ever, Fr Arrupe SJ founded the Jesuit Refugee Service to stand with those peoples being forced from their homes. We ask Fr Arrupe SJ to pray that we may not turn our backs on the stranger but, rather, open our hearts and hands to those seeking a home.

The Jesuit Refugee Service, founded by Fr Pedro Arrupe SJ, operates all over the world

At a time when renewal in the Church was being resisted after Vatican II and many people left the Church, Fr Arrupe SJ remained full of faith and hope and love and remained faithful to the Church and to the Pope. We ask Fr Arrupe SJ to pray for the Church, now, that we may be renewed in ‘walking together’ in the Way of the Lord.

The Road to Emmaus, by Arcabas (Jean-Marie Pirot)

At a time when assisted suicide is spreading and is soon to be debated in the House of Commons in the UK, Fr Arrupe SJ, witnessed in the final years of his life, even after his paralysing stroke, to the precious gift of life in his life of love. We ask Fr Arrupe SJ to pray that each person’s life may be seen as a precious gift from God whether in health or in sickness.

Pope John Paul II visits Fr Pedro Arrupe SJ

At a time when the world ‘seems to have lost its heart’ (Pope Francis, 5th June 2024) Fr Arrupe SJ was filled with the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We ask Fr Arrupe SJ to pray that we, too, may rediscover this love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus for each person and for the whole world and pour out ourselves in loving service of those who thirst for God’s love. 

The Sacré-Cœur Basilica in Paris, photo by Stephanie LeBlanc on Unsplash

The Sacred Heart of Jesus 

Fr Pedro Arrupe SJ had a deep devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus as does Pope Francis who has just published a new document on this devotion to encourage us to rediscover the source of God's loving mercy. The encyclical is called Dilexit Nos (He loved us) which you can read here. On this love, Fr Arrupe SJ wrote: 

'Today, when so many new sources of energy are being discovered, when we stand amazed at all the triumphs of scientific research in atomic physics and in the energy of the atom that may transform the whole universe, we do not sufficiently realise that all human power and natural energy is as nothing when compared with the super atomic energy of this love of Christ, who by giving His life vivifies the world. We, human beings that we are, can only transform already existing energy; but there exists an extra-terrestrial source of energy which increases the energy of the world, an energy which has its source in the infinite love of Christ. 

If we wish to transform this world of ours under its social and religious aspect, of the individual, the family and society, here we have the only energy that can achieve this transformation. This is the infinite love of Christ which we acknowledge with St Paul: 'He loved and gave Himself up for me.' (Galatians 2:20) ("What the Heart of Christ means to the Society of Jesus", Homily in Valladolid, May 8, 1970,reprinted in 'In Him Alone is our Hope', Institute of Jesuit Sources, Boston College, 2021).

On this feast of St Margaret Mary who received visions of the Sacred Heart and through St Claude de la Colombière SJ asked the Society of Jesus to spread this devotion, let's pray that our own hearts may burn within us with the love of Christ and when we meet people on the Way whose hope has been lost, we may help them find Jesus at their side, burning with love for them. (Luke24: 13 - 35) 

by Fr Simon Bishop SJ 

Manresa House, Birmingham

(Written on the feast of St Margaret Mary, 16th October 2024)


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