Some Synod Scenarios: A View from the Amazon

September 14, 2021

The persistence of the Holy Spirit

This talk was given by Mauricio López Oropeza, who serves as Executive Secretary of the Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network and was recently appointed by Pope Francis as a member of the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. He was one of two non-Bishops on the council for preparing the Amazon Synod.

Opening the talk, Mauricio said:

“The most important thing, it’s about sharing and experience. This is not a scholar approach, but rather a lived experience. Here in Latin America, but certainly connected to what’s happening in the Church today, at a universal level, I am very glad to say that what we are going through as this moment is really all about the persistence of the Holy Spirit.”

To listen to the talk in full, please click here.

Photo by Kunal Shinde on Unsplash

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