Songs of Praise features Jesuit prayer app

February 9, 2023

On Sunday 5th February, BBC One's Songs of Praise programme featured an interview with our very own Emma Holland, Producer of Pray As You Go, our Christian prayer app. You can watch the episode in full on BBC iPlayer here (Emma's interview starts at 11 mins 20 seconds). You can check out Pray As You Go online here (or download the app on your phone)!

Jesuits on BBC's Great British Railway Journeys

January 26, 2022

In Barmouth, Michael Portillo encounters a group of Jesuits.

The ordination of a French Jesuit in London

July 28, 2021

Jesuits from the UK and France often study in each other's countries, and are sometimes ordained.

Praying with the Pope in June 2021

June 1, 2021

Pope Francis asks us to pray for young people who are getting married. Read the reflection here.

This advent please consider these forgotten crises

November 27, 2022

South Sudan and Ethiopia have been forgotten amid the more dominant headlines of Ukraine and Covid