Statement regarding Fr Peter Brook SJ

April 29, 2024

“Together with my fellow Jesuits in Britain, I express our profound sorrow to the victim and their family for the harm they suffered from their abuse and extend to them any assistance and redress which might support them in their healing.”  - Fr Peter Gallagher SJ, Provincial Superior of the Jesuits in Britain.

On 2nd April 2024, Fr Peter Brook SJ was sentenced to 20 months imprisonment following his conviction on two charges of historical abuse. The charges he was convicted of did not relate to a ministry setting.

Following his conviction, an investigation under Canon Law was due to commence to establish his future position as a priest and religious. However, shortly after his imprisonment in Leeds, Fr Brook SJ became ill and was admitted to Leeds Royal Infirmary. On 24th April, he died there of a heart attack related to a pre-existing diabetic condition.

Fr Gallagher SJ says, “I encourage any victim/survivor of abuse or anyone with a safeguarding concern to get in touch with our safeguarding professionals using this email address: Mrs Julie Ashby-Ellis or Ms Nadra Hadeed will respond with empathy and in complete confidence to your concerns.“

Please use this link for further information in relation to safeguarding work by the Jesuits in Britain Province:

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