The latest issue of 'The Way' is out now!

April 17, 2023

The Way is the journal of Christian Spirituality published by the Jesuits in Britain

The April 2023 issue of The Way, entitled ‘Labours of Love’, is out now. In it we reflect on the dynamics of our collaboration with God through labour not for reward but out out of love. While the articles in the issue touch upon various spheres of human life, they coincide in affirming that love is reward enough.

In the lead article, Thomas Kelly reflects on the Ignatian roots of Pope Francis’ commitment to the poor. He argues that Pope Francis begins with Ignatius but understands the disenfranchised as agents of evangelisation: ‘The prosperous and rich discover something about themselves and God that only the poor can teach.’ The article is available for free download here.

In another important article, Thomas Clancey describes the history of the only Catholic school in Russia. Its recent closure bears witness to the consequences of violence on the people of Russia in the wake of the war in Ukraine. He traces the history of the school back to the beginning of the 19th Century and gives a fascinating insight into the dedication of the missionaries who served there. He concludes that ‘in the wake of war, death, trauma and so much loss, what the Jesuits tried to do at Tomsk, who they tried to be and why, is more important than ever.’

Other articles touch upon the contemporary themes of ecology and synodality in the ministry of the Spiritual Exercises. Our writers also draw on the poetry of Robert Southwell SJ, the Book of Esther, and the theme of authenticity in the writings of Francis de Sales. They remind us that many who have given their lives in quiet labours of love have played a decisive role in the fulfilment of God’s will. Finally, our news bulletin on the false imprisonment of the Nicaraguan Bishop, Rolando Álvarez Luis Orlando Pérez SJ, reminds us that the Church in Latin America is still on the side of the poor.

The Way is also happy to announce the successful publication of the collected essays of Rob Marsh SJ, entitled ‘Imagination, Discernment and Spiritual Direction’. Nicholas Steeves SJ, a leading theologian of the imagination at the Pontifical Gregorian University has called him ‘an imaginative master’ saying that ‘the exquisite nature of some of these insights, expressed in crisp, engaging English, makes them a treasure to which one can profitably turn time and again.’ You can read the full review here. Our hope is that you will find nourishment in it for your own spiritual practice. You can purchase the book or download the free reading guide here.

To find out more about the issue click here and to subscribe click here.

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