To love and serve in all things

December 20, 2021

Xavier de Bénazé, a Jesuit of the French-speaking Province in Western Europe who has been living in London for ten months, had a calling both to be a Jesuit and to respond to the ecological crisis.

"I grew up between the multicultural Mediterranean port city of Marseille and Couffé, a small classical French village deep in the western countryside. And all along the way, God was there, walking with me. Whether my feet were on the soil of my grandparents’ estate, or my head was full of the mistral wind as I contemplated the sun setting on the sea, God was working to open my heart to God’s invitation.
"To help me on my vocation journey, God gave me a loving family – including a very dear aunt and godmother who is a religious sister – St Francis Xavier and St Francis of Assisi as models, a few inspiring diocesan priests, and great friends..."

You can read the rest of this article in the winter edition of Jesuits & Friends here

An online Advent Retreat from Scotland

November 25, 2021

Journey through Advent with daily meditations online.

Catholic listeners - a new service for those wishing to connect with their faith

May 23, 2022

The helpline is open three days a week from 4pm to 7pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays.

A call to prayer for Israel and Palestine

October 23, 2023

With the conflict in the Middle East raging, the Pope has called for a day of fasting and prayer

A vital call for all: embracing an integral ecology approach to address our global situation

October 18, 2024

The Laudato Si' Research Institute in Oxford has released a new video about its mission