Summary Report: Trustees’ Safeguarding Committee Friday 21st July 2023

July 21, 2023

Jesuits in Britain

Trust for Roman Catholic Purposes

Trustees Meeting Saturday 30th Sept 2023


Summary Report:  Trustees’ Safeguarding Committee Friday July 21st 2023


1. Introductions: All committee members were in attendance. Fr Provincial attended the whole of the meeting.


2. Safeguarding Manager’s Items: Julie Ashby-Ellis briefed the Committee on the following items:

The recent CSSA safeguarding co-ordinators’ conference where updates were received from the DBS service including strengthened reporting requirements and from the Social Care Institute of Excellence on its work with CSSA. JAE is joining a joint working party with RLSS and CSSA reviewing a range of policies.

Progress in establishing effective collaborative arrangements with Westminster Archdiocesan Safeguarding team and leadership.

Confirmed that CSSA will not Audit the Province’s safeguarding arrangements this year and earliest this is likely to occur will be towards the end of 2024.

JAE and KWB are undertaking further work with the supplier of the CPOMS electronic recording system to further enhance its reporting capabilities.


3. Review of Safeguarding Risk Register: The Committee reviewed the register applying and updating scores each of the mitigations. It was agreed that any risk scoring 6 or above will be notified to the Trustees. None currently has such a score. The Committee considered in detail the risk relating to training as it applies to Jesuits resident here from other provinces and the risk relating to cost associated with supporting victims in receipt of counselling and other support. Assurances were received relating to actions in hand to address these.


4. Victim/Survivor Case Work:

NG & JAE reported on actions to support 4victim/survivors. Relevant support and contacts are being progressed in all instances.


5. Safety Management Plans: The committee received an update on the review of the one remaining safety management plan which remains unamended. There are no changes to notify to Trustees.


6. Spiritual Abuse: At the previous meeting work was initiated in response to the case of the now expelled Jesuit, Rupnic (Slovenian Province), which has been reported upon in the media. The Committee received a paper prepared by the Chair and DS reported on discussions of the first working group meeting. This has particular relevance to province’s extensive work in Spiritual Accompaniment but also to wider pastoral work. This work is currently in an exploratory phase to work towards useful definitions, guidance and training. Attention is being given to relevant studies and reports both in the UK and internationally. Case examples are forming the basis for discussion to ensure the practical applicability of this work. When completed, the outcome of this work will be reported to the Trustees.


7. Other Business: The Committee noted this was the last meeting which Fr Damian Howard SJ will attend as Provincial as his tenure draws to a close at the end of August. Thanks were extended to him for his fulsome support and leadership in promoting positive safeguarding practices across the works of the Province and in collaboration with Jesuit Schools. Fr Damian, in turn, thanked the Committee for supporting him and and the province in its safeguarding endeavours.

Agreed steps for providing induction materials and briefings for Fr Peter Gallagher SJ as he assumes the mantle of Provincial from September 1st.  The Chair undertook the first briefing with Fr Damian on 30th August. In October, he will receive further briefings from DS and JAE and he intends to attend the next Committee meeting.


Next Meeting of the Safeguarding Committee: Monday2nd October 2023.


James Reilly, Chair Trustees’ Safeguarding Committee

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